Renowned singer-songwriter Roy Dawson, known for his raw, heartfelt lyrics and distinctive sound, has teamed up with his band, THE ROYELVISBAND, to release a new single titled "You're Gonna Lose Her." The track captures the essence of emotional storytelling, blending Dawson’s soulful vocals with the band’s signature rock-infused style. This rel
Roy Dawson Earth Angle Master Magical Healer Known as The Rare Different One Of A Kind THE ROYELVISBAND: His Vision for a Better World..
Roy Dawson, founder and singer-songwriter of THE ROYELVISBAND, has a powerful vision for a better world. For him, the key to creating lasting change begins with empathy. Whether it’s in leadership, relationships, or business, Dawson believes that if we want to see positive outcomes, we all need to have “skin in the game.” By this, he means th